The Therapy Room Complementary Therapy, Healthcare & Skincare

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Sports Massage
Indian Head Massage
Massage. Karlas feet


Reflexology is a holistic healing art, working reflex points of the feet. Reflex points correspond to all the bodies systems and helps achieve and maintain homeostasis (balance). When the body is under high levels of stress, it holds onto toxins that create illness or anxiety being unable to perform our daily tasks with focused concentration. Being in the state of physical relaxation we are able to release toxins, calm our minds and change our attitudes, release our pain while restoring our energy.

Reflexology has been shown to be effective for:

-Hormonal imbalances
-Back pain
-Migranes,and headaches
- Sleep disorders
-Digestive problems
-Circulatory problems
-Stress related disorders
- Anxiety and depression

A typical reflexology treatment lasts for 1 hour after an initial 10 minute consultation. If you have a serious health problem and are on medication, you may need to check with your doctor before we begin treatment, but we can discuss this prior to your appointment.
You will be asked to remove your shoes and socks, and be seated in a comfortable reclining chair, made comfortable with blanket and cushions if required. Relaxing music is played and low lighting used to create a relaxing atmosphere. I will begin by massaging the feet, and then Using thumb and fingers to apply pressure to the reflexes, and finish, the treatment with the massage routine. Some areas of the feet may feel tender when pressed but this will pass. The general experience should feel relaxing. After the treatment I will discuss my findings with you and work out a treatment plan, if required. For chronic conditions a course of 5 or 6 treatments once or twice a week is recommended, followed by regular monthly maintanace treatments if required. To maintain well-being, monthly treatments are recommended.

Below is a video from the Association of Reflexologists, which will give you an idea on what to expect from a treatment.


Massage. Footmap (old) (old) (old) (old)

Sports Massage

Massage. Massage 3

Relaxing Massage

Swedish Massage relaxes the entire body, is beneficial for increasing oxygen levels in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, loosening the muscles & breaking down knots, improving circulation & flexibility, while easing tension.

Massage can help and improve conditions such as

* muscle tension
* muscle strains
* repetitive strain injuries
* back pain
* stress
* insomnia
* headaches and migraines
* fibromyalgia
* arthritis
* anxiety
* depression

A full body Swedish Massage treatment, is a wonderfully relaxing experience, as well as supporting your physical and mental health.

Evolve Beauty Skincare Rituals


Hopi Ear Candling

Vita Liberata Spray Tan


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